start in 2008 |
begins on the new Rocky Mountain Field School university
in western Wyoming in 2007. Classes will begin in 2008. |
Buildings |
dorm buildings will start out with modular "pods" which
will be brought in to initially house oil and gas field
workers in Wyoming. |
Cirriculums |
College/Graduate |
Management |
Tech School |
Management |
Deep Geology |
Management |
Politics |
Writing/Rewriting |
Red Tape |
Law |
Politics |
Smokescreening |
found for "untrapping" antelope stuck at Trapper's Point
bottleneck near Pinedale
How to get the antelope past the Cora Y?
biologists and environmental groups have teamed up to think tank a creative solution
to the Trapper's Point bottleneck problem and help Sublette
County antelope. Due to housing development construction
at the town of Cora Y, 9 miles west of Pinedale on Highway
191, 400 antelope have great difficulty getting from the
southern end of the Green River Valley to the northern
end to make their annual trek in Jackson Hole. After conducting
an economic analysis of highway bridge overpasses, halting
development on private land and elaborate highway wildlife
warning light devices, the state of Wyoming has decided
to implement a program to assist the twice
annual migration of these animals. Each year, in the
spring and the fall, wildlife biologists and environmental
groups will selectively tranquilize 400 antelope, place
them in special climate-controlled wildlife transport trucks,
and drive them up to the Wildlife Refuge in Jackson. The
animals will reawaken in their new home with no ill effects
or memory of the shuttling. Cost analyses indicate the
new migration enhancement program will save the state millions
of dollars a year in highway modifications and animal carcas
cleanup costs.
River Mountains Bridger Wilderness Wildlife Sanctuary
Bridger Wilderness receives new
Bush Administration and State of Wyoming recently announced the creation and
designation of a pilot program for a new land use designation unit specifically
designed to protect wildlife and wildlife habitat. The first to be designated
is the Wind River Mountains-Bridger Wilderness Wildlife Sanctuary (WRMBWWS).
Under the new designation, the Bridger Wilderness area will be entirely surrounded
with 12-foot tall wildlife fences. These are designed to create a pristine habitat
zone for grizzly bear, wolves, elk, moose, black bear and many other species.
For the pilot test program, the area will be treated as a "no human presence" zone.
Wildlife managers will monitor wildlife populations and movements via satellite
surveillance. Researchers will reenter the area at the end of the 3, 5, 8 and
10-year interval in the 10-year study period to do on-the-ground population counts
and determine the effectiveness of the non-human interference wildlife ecosystem
program. The new plan is being heralded by wildlife groups and environmental
organizations as President Bush's finest program yet for the protection of wildlife.
"The President finally gets it!" said Maxine O'Hara, Director of the "Give Wildlife
Room To Roam" political activist organization.
Lake Mining Project
Diamonds found on top of natural
gas layers under Wyoming's 2nd largest lake
year, while drilling for natural gas with a state-of-the-art
off-shore drill rig on Fremont Lake, drilling crews discovered
an extremely rich find of diamonds under the lake bed.
The Fremont Natural Gas Company has teamed up with Tiffanie & Co,
a New-York based jewelry giant, to drain the water from
Fremont Lake and displace it into Green River, New Fork,
Meadow and Boulder Lakes in order to begin mining of the
diamonds. "Tiffanie's expertise with mining
in these kinds of situations has been invaluable," said
company spokesman Larry Larouche. "We're able to extract
natural gas and mine the diamonds simultaneously," he
A new way of thinking
wildlife managers recently restructured and renamed the state-run elk feedground
program into a new Wolf Feedground program. By giving the Greater Yellowstone
wolf packs access to a guaranteed food supply in the winter, statistics have
shown a significant decrease in livestock depredations at nearby ranches while
reinforcing the natural balance predation plays in maintaining elk populations,
wildlife managers said.
Mountain Field School gets funding nod
New University will be built in town of Sand
Draw, south of Pinedale
a cooperative effort between the State of Wyoming, Sublette
County, oil & gas industry heavy weights, and private
businesses and supporters, funding has been 100% assured
for the establishment of a new university in Sublette County
called the Rocky Mountain Field School.
new institute for higher education will be located halfway between
Pinedale and Farson off US Highway 191 in the
scenic town of Sand Draw, nestled
on the foothills of the western flank of the Wind River Mountain
as Pinedale was a ‘planned town’ back in 1904,
the new community of Sand Draw will be designed in advance
as Wyoming’s newest planned community for the 21st
century,” explained spokesperson Harrison LeGrande.
have obtained just over 2,000 acres of land on
both sides of Highway 191 for the overall project. We
already have architectural plans for what our
university town will ultimately look like.”
concept is to start by building the housing
portion first, which will serve the immediate need of providing
living quarters for workers for the nearby Jonah Field and
Pinedale Anticline gas fields. Housing “pods” will
be brought in and situated in community housing
locations. Later,
these housing pods will serve as the basis for dorms for
university students.
buildings will be built on a steady time-table which will
create the classrooms, food-service
facilities, an extensive library, laboratories and skills
training rooms. "The pods can be brought in one
by one on each of the big trucks that haul in equipment for
the oilfield, growing the town like ants bringing crumbs
from a picnic to the anthill," said LeGrande.
landscaped common areas will be interspersed along gently
flowing Sand Creek, connected by tree-lined
walking/running paths. Everything will be designed to be
people and wildlife friendly. The community will have bike
path access to the Continental Divide Mountain Biking
Trail for
bikers to reach shopping and dining in the nearby towns of
New Fork and Farson.
new university will be roughly halfway in distance from Pinedale,
Big Piney/Marbleton and Rock Springs, making it centrally
located for the western Wyoming bike commuting population,” said
planned community will also have a recreation complex which
will include a bowling alley, movie
theaters, racquet ball and basketball
courts, weight & exercise rooms and inside
running track.
for Starbocks and Kripsy
Cremed Donuts have
already committed to opening nearby stores. A small
airfield is
planned on the outskirts of the town with helicopter
and jet access.
new Rocky Mountain Field School will have a dual focus: Petroleum
Engineering/Energy Resource Management and Natural
Resource Management/Environmental Politics. There
will be in-depth, practical on-the-ground courses to train
workers for the
oil and gas industry to help fill the workforce
needs of the western Wyoming energy extraction industry, as well
as the government agencies that oversee
the development, and environmental activist groups to oppose
the activity.
will be able to come into the program with no experience,
complete an 8-week technical trainng and work experience
then qualify for entry-level roughneck, field
technician, or environmentalist positions.
interested in wildlife and fisheries will
be able to take courses related to big game resource
management and environmental
science. Special courses will be given on sage
grouse lek management and songbird population revitalization.
In addition, special funding has been provided for
the study of the Three Horned Mesa Toad and the Jumping
Jonah Jackalope, which were both recently placed on the
Endangered Species List.
will be near the heart of three important big game wildlife
migration routes. We've carefully designed our open spaces
to keep the mule deer, desert elk and pronghorn antelope
migration corridors intact so the herds can still pass through
the center of the town along their ancient paths twice a
year. Wildlife students will be able to watch and document
the migrations of thousands of animals right from their dorm
room windows.”
portion of the profits being made from each gas well drilled
in Sublette County is already being deposited by industry,
the state and the county into special accounts to create
a perpetual endowment fund for the new university.
even picked out our school colors, white and sagebrush green,"
said LeGrande. "Between the BLM, Forest Service and Oil and
Gas companies, half of the truck fleet in the county
will already match our school colors!"